Thursday, February 18, 2010

2nd test on wet iphone

Today we completed the second test on the iphone we dunked it in water and set it in DRY-ALL in our proto type bag. After waiting 48 hours we took the phone out and it was easily powered up. Success!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

see time elapsed video of someone drying out a cell phone using DRY-ALL at http:// This is such a cool video because it shows to all the non beleivers our product works!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Three days ago we did a test with the new iphone. We dropped it in water for a minute, wiped it off, in the process of wiping it off we turned the phone on by accident. We placed the phone in a tupperware with DRY-ALL and sealed the lid. We took the phone out 48 hrs later and it was working great!!