Friday, April 16, 2010

Wet Cell phone? Why you should never push any buttons on a wet cell phone

We had a customer call today who's phone took a noes dive straight into the toilet. She called looking for our product to dry it out. The first thing I asked was if she had any buttons on the phone after it had gone for a swim. She replied, "of course I have pushed buttons". There is really nothing we could do for her at this point. I think this is the number one problem we face with wet cell phones. A cell phone is an electronic item, I think a lot of us forget to look at them that way. If you dropped a hairdryer in the water you wouldn't immediately plug it in and turn it on to see if it still works, of course you wouldn't that would be crazy. When you push buttons on a wet cell phone you send electric current through your phone which has water inside. Water and electricity are not exactly the best of friends, this electric current then shorts out your phone. Remember if you have a wet phone don't panic , do not hit any buttons, remove the battery if possible, and place in the Wet Cellular Phone Emergency Kit!

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