Monday, June 7, 2010

Wet Cell Phone Emergency Kit

This weekend we received a bunch of calls all having one thing in common, they all tried home remedies before calling us. Two of them tried using rice, both said that their phone would not turn on after a few days in rice. We have talked about this before rice is not an absorbent by itself at room temperature. A few other callers even tried freezing the phone which does not remove the moisture, it just freezes it. The hardest thing to get people to remember when their cell phone gets wet is don't try to turn it on , and don't try any home remedies first. Once you have tried to turn your phone on after one of these home remedies any water left your in phone will cause it to short out. Wet cell phone emergency kit is designed just for drying out wet cell phones.Trust your wet cell phone to the moisture removal specialists because once you have tried other methods , powered the phone on or plugged it in, the phone can not be saved.

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