Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Are you prepared for a wet cell phone

September is national preparedness month a great month to make sure you and your family are prepared for any situation. Most of us have emergency kits in our home that are stocked with band aids, gauze ointment , bandages, and medicine. Many people have an evacuation plan in place so if a fire or other disaster happens everyone in the house knows how to get out safe. Some people even have a stock pile of food and water just in case there is no place to get any if a disaster hits.
Growing up in California we always had Earthquake kits ready with everything you would need if the whole state broke off and floated away.(J/K) We did have everything my Mom could stuff into a box for each of us; water,non-perishable food, bandages, medicine, radios,and anything else that we may possibly need.
What about being prepared for other things like when your electronics get soaked, If this happens to you don't worry you can be prepared. Pick up a Wet cell phone emergency kit from Radio Shack and have it on hand. One day maybe not today , maybe not tomorrow , but one day someone in your house will end up getting their phone wet. You can feel great knowing that you are prepared to save their soaked device. Remember to follow these simple steps whenever your phone gets wet;
1. Do NOT press any buttons on the wet device (None seriously don't touch it)
2. remove the battery (if its an iPhone turn it off)
3. place the soaked phone inside the bag and seal it shut for 48 hours.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wet Cell Phones can Not be saved by rice

Wet cell phones can not be saved by throwing them in a bowl of rice . This myth is so ridiculous it is as effective as throwing a wet cell phone in a pile of socks. I am not sure where this urban legend got its start, but scientifically there is no possible way for rice to absorb any moisture until the starch chain has been broken, this happens only when the rice has been heated to at least 156 degrees. Please watch this video and spread the word why this ridiculous solution is not effective.
For more information please visit us at

Thursday, August 25, 2011

hurricane preparedness

With Hurricane Irene approaching the east coast quickly here are some tips on how to prepare.
Make sure you have an emergency supply kit ready that includes the following; non-perishable foods, water (remember food and water for your pets too) battery powered or hand cranked radio, flashlights, extra batteries, a cell phone, and a wet cell phone emergency kit (in case your phone gets wet ;) ) . Remember if they evacuate your area it is always the best plan to go, it is better to be safe than sorry and never worth the risk . Lastly it is a good idea to have an emergency plan in place with a location to meet if phones are down and you are all separated.
Be safe out there!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Wet Electronics Can Be Revived

When electronics get wet it is a huge problem, water and moisture can cause circuitry in electronics to short out, corrode and rust, normally resulting in failure of the electronic. The main problem when electronics get wet is the circuitry is activated, with personal electronics this happens when the buttons are pressed after the item has gotten wet or if the item is plugged in. There is a way to revive wet electronics however, by using one of DRY-ALLs products.

DRY-ALLs products were designed specifically for drying wet electronics, and have been used by both the US Military and NASA. DRY-ALL is a proprietary drying technology that was developed in the 1940s by our family. DRY-ALL works by removing all the moisture out of the inside of your wet item quickly to allow you to get back to that angry birds game you were playing. DRY-ALL has a kit for cell phones, smart phones (faster drying time), and tablet computers.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

DRY-ALL really does dry it all

Okay here is a funny story for you. Our two year old recently got a fish tank in his room from his Uncle. He literally spends hours staring at his two goldfish and loves to help feed them. Last week we were cleaning out the filters and he was watching, since we were in the process of cleaning the tank the lid was open. I keep his plug in night light up on the same dresser during the day so he cant unplug it and hurt himself. He grabbed the night light and threw it in the fish tank, it happened so fast I couldn't even stop it. I grabbed the light from the bottom of the tank and showed my husband . He laughed and said well at least we have plenty of dry-all on hand. We threw the soaked light in a bag of wet cell phone emergency kit that we had laying around and left it for a few days. The light was totally dried out and is back in use keeping our sons room lit up at night. I guess DRY-ALL really does dry it all. I can honestly say of all the things we have tested our product on I never thought it would be used to dry out a night light, but we are glad we were able to save some money by drying it out.