Monday, August 15, 2011

Wet Electronics Can Be Revived

When electronics get wet it is a huge problem, water and moisture can cause circuitry in electronics to short out, corrode and rust, normally resulting in failure of the electronic. The main problem when electronics get wet is the circuitry is activated, with personal electronics this happens when the buttons are pressed after the item has gotten wet or if the item is plugged in. There is a way to revive wet electronics however, by using one of DRY-ALLs products.

DRY-ALLs products were designed specifically for drying wet electronics, and have been used by both the US Military and NASA. DRY-ALL is a proprietary drying technology that was developed in the 1940s by our family. DRY-ALL works by removing all the moisture out of the inside of your wet item quickly to allow you to get back to that angry birds game you were playing. DRY-ALL has a kit for cell phones, smart phones (faster drying time), and tablet computers.

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