Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wet Cell Phone story #11 chaos at the duck pond

Today I heard a great wet cell phone story from one of my customers, one I can honestly say I have never heard before. I hope it brings you a laugh and a smile. She was on her morning walk with her baby and dog at the nearby duck pond. They stopped a minute to feed some bread to the ducks and let her daughter play on the grass. She pulled her phone out to check her emails, just then her dog ran after a duck , she grabbed his leash to stop him. In all the commotion her cell phone flew out of her hand, through the air, and landed with a splash in the muck at the edge of the pond. When she got a hold of us I told her DRY-ALL can definitely save her wet cell phone. I let her know she should
-take the battery out immediately and rinse the phone in clean water. (since it was muddy )
-wipe the phone off and place in the wet cell phone emergency kit
- seal the bag shut and wait 48 hours
-replace the battery and use like normal
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