Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How to repair a wet cell phone

When your cell phone goes for a swim the Internet will tell you all sorts of crazy ways to TRY to dry your phone. There is only one sure way to dry your phone and that is to use DRY-ALLs wet cell phone emergency kit. DRY-ALL is the most effective way to quickly pull the moisture out of your phone and allow it to continue working. It saves so much time and hassle of trying alternative home remedies only to have them fail. I get at least three calls a day where people are saying I tried to dry my phone in rice and now it doesn't work. I tell them next time use the wet cell phone emergency kit first and you will not need to get a new phone. If you have a cell phone it is essential that you have a wet cell phone emergency kit on hand just in case. go to our website to fins where you can buy it! www.dry-all.com

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