Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wet iPad Mini? How to Save it Fast.

  When you are  enjoying your brand new iPad mini the last thing you want is for it to end up getting soaked. Unfortunately this happens to people every day but fortunately DRY-ALL has a new product that dries wet iPads and iPad minis completely. There is a reason DRY-ALL is called first aid for wet electronics the wet electronic tablet emergency kit can save any soaked tablet computer( iPad, Nook, Kindle, or Kobo). Trust drying your wet electronics to the professional product that has been used by the US military and NASA.

 To save your Wet iPad mini simply follow these steps. 
1. Turn it off, ( DO NOT ever plug in a wet electronic item).
2. Wipe off any excess moisture.
3. Place in the wet electronic tablet emergency kit.
4. Seal the bag completely.
5. Wait 48 hours.
6. Power up your iPad mini and use like normal.

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