Wednesday, July 7, 2010

wet cell phone solution myth

This week alone we have recieved four calls about the same thing, trying to dry a wet cell phone using rice. All of these calls ended the same, well they called us to save thier wet cell phones so obviously the rice didnt have the desired effect. The wet cell phone solution all over the internet is to place the wet phone in rice. Rice is NOT a moisture absorbent and over and over again on a daily basis I talk to customers who have found out the hard way that rice does NOT dry wet cell phones. I love rice it makes a great side dish to dinner and a great addition to sushi, but when you have electronics that need to be dried quickly trust the moisture removal specialists at DRY-ALL. DRY-ALL is made specifically to absorb moisture , the wet cell phone emergency kit is proven to work and made for drying wet cell phones.

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