Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wet Cell Phone Saved twice in one week

We had a customer that bought our Wet Cellular Phone Emergency Kit to have just in case his cell phone ever got wet. Well about a week ago he ended up dropping his phone in some water and had a chance to use DRY-ALLs Wet Cell Phone Emergency Kit. He placed the phone in the bag and zipped it shut. He then went in to Verizon and had an old phone set up to use while his new cell phone was being dried out. The staff at the Verizon store told him that a wet cell phone could not be saved, he told them about our product and they seemed doubtful. Most people think saving a wet cell phone is too good to be true , but we guarantee that our product will dry out your wet cell phone. When our customer had waited the 48hrs he turned his phone on ,it powered right up and worked as good as new. Now this customer only four days later dropped his same phone in the sink, he used the same bag of DRY-ALLs wet cell phone emergency kit to dry it out and his phone is still working great today. When he took the phone back into Verizon they couldn't believe the phone was still working and the wet cell phone emergency kit actually works. Huh a product manufactured right here by DRY-ALL in the USA that does exactly what it says it is guaranteed to do. Crazy!

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